By Rachel | July 3, 2018
Improvements made
- Benefits improvements (See 8.4 release announcement)
- Updated benefits information on the storyboard (10464)
- Strategy improvements (See 8.4 release announcement)
- Updated security required for benefits & drivers (10467)
- Timesheet improvements including ability to blacklist items, add previous week’s items, add multiple items,clear all items, customise timesheet view (10074, 10491,10492,10493,10495)
- Colour scheme & layout improvements (10366)
- Updated help tutorials and added links to a reporting tutorial and various configuration tutorials (10463,10485, 10497, 10525)
- Added value views to activities & business services, including ability to add reviews (10375)
- Organisational broadcast changes to allow adminstrators to send messages to all i-lign users which are seen when they next log-on (10488, 10327)
- Business landscape view now has top level navigation bar and shows the colour of latest reviews for activities and services (10451).
- Custom fields added to resources (10354)
- Bookmark page button now shows at top of bookmarks list (10523)
- Mandatory fields for new items such as new projects or new ideas behave consistently (10307)
- Timesheet extracts now include structural team information (10369)
- Portfolio CSV extract report added (10382)
- A warning and help link added to import project budget/actual amounts (10396)
- Review log records when RAG status of project/programme review field has been changed and by whom (10242)
- Changed name of drivers to strategy for consistency (10374)
- Removed wording & tick box under parent on project edit page (10404)
- Resource end date adjustments also adjusts team assignment dates when the date is moved forward (10423)
- Timesheet exports security - Configure: finance security flag now required (10504)
- Unrelated programmes excluded from home page (10395)
- Added ability to associate items with tasks, task pools and milestones (10353)
- HTML report views open in new tab (10526)
- If initiatives are closed, then open secondary items don’t show on the page. Secondary items are risks, issues, decisions, deliverables, tasks. (10541)
- Closed drivers don’t show on organisation: overview tab (10548)
Bugs fixed
- Elements of tasking on Mac / Safari broken (10321)
- Task pool status filter error in IE (10342)
- Strategic driver & programme report extract failing (10351)
- When add account lines to an activity or service incorrect page showing (10379)
- Broken account line when creating lines in IE (10397)
- Business landscape fails to load when financial feature turned off (10401)
- Project reports header doesn’t include governance and leadership group information
- If text length in Change request form exceeds 512 characters, then no change request created (10415)
- Cancel button on configure financial lines isn’t navigating back to configuration page (10425)
- Teams not aligned properly in resource filter pop up (10426)
- Timeline constraints not working properly in IE 11 (10428)
- Resource picker server error when selecting a group with lots of teams (10429)
- Summary tasks displaying incorrectly in some situations (10458)
- Task pool detail page planned effort column rounding issue (10484)
- If create a constraint and don’t enter lag time, then get a server error (10489)
- Financial lines configuration security should rely on configure: finance (10502)
- Manage strategic contributions server error (10518)