By Rachel | December 16, 2019
This was released on Sunday evening, 15 December.
- Resource Import Tutorial updated. (PW-11340)
- ‘User Name’ changed to ‘User ID’ in Reports and the Resource List so this is consistent with other places in i-lign. (PW-11345)
- Added two Data Extract reports to mirror the Resource Import spreadsheets. (PW-11338)
- Added two columes to the ‘Resource Details’ and ‘Current Resource Details’ extracts. (PW-11337)
- Improved header names on System Administration’s System Resources tab. (PW-11343)
Bugs Fixed
- Actual date information is retained when the duration of a Task is adjusted on the Timeline. (PW-11337)
- Subject line of Blog Email Notification contains the correct subject line and author. (PW-11342)
- The Azure ID field in our Resource Imports is behaves in the same way as other fields do. (PW-11336)