By Rachel | January 6, 2020
Our first release of 2020 will extend the Home Page changes we’ve made to other areas of i-lign. In particular we plan to add Storyboards and the left hand Navigation Bar to Initiatives and Groups. At this stage our tentative release date is March.
Over the next few weeks, I’ll be in contact to show customers the Project Protoype and ask for feedback. In the meantime please get in touch if you have any questions or comments.
Storyboard and left hand Navigation Bar
The screenshot below shows the design for our Project Storyboard and left hand Navigation Bar. As you can see, the Storyboard gives people an overall view of the Project in real time. Clicking on the heading of a Storyboard Brick will navigate you to more detailed, related information.
The left hand Navigation Bar replaces the horizontal tabs currently used to navigation around Initiatives and Groups. The separate Delivery, Value and Organisation views are removed, with all information being visible and accessible from the left hand Navigation Bar.