Resource Management Improvements (Legend 9.5) - Release Announcement

By Rachel | December 6, 2021

We’re pleased to announce the release of improvements to our resource management functionality (Legend 9.5). Hosted customers will be upgraded during the evening of Sunday 12 December, pending final testing. As always, please get in touch if you have any questions or comments.

Resource Supply & Demand

Customers often talk to us about the challenges of getting an up-to-date view of:

  • What people are working on
  • Future resourcing needs.

We already have a lot of information in our application relating to people and the work they are allocated to. Legend 9.5 pulls this together to provide information about resource supply and demand at Organisation and Group level. It also gives you the ability to drill down to see supply & demand by Team, Initiative, Position and Individual.

Organisation / Group Storyboard view

The ‘Resource Supply & Demand’ Storyboard brick gives you an overall monthly view in fte (full time equivalent) units. 1 fte represents one full-time person. For each month, the lefthand column shows resource demand and the righthand column shows resource supply.


Demand is calculated from the hours individual resources have been allocated to work on initiatives such as projects, programmes, activities and services. For example Joe Blogs may have been allocated 50% of his time to a project, 50% to an activity and 50% to a service, meaning his total allocation is 150%. Provided he works full time, this would equate to 1.5 fte on the demand column.

The red and blue sections of the demand column show the allocations to people, with the red section highlighting allocations to overallocated people. The dark blue section shows allocations to placeholders such as vacancies or positions. In 9.5 managers can allocate vacancies or position placeholders to their initiative in the same way they can allocate actual people.


Supply is calculated from work hours for people such as internal staff and contractors. (Your organisation defines which resource types contribute to resourcing in Legend.) The dark grey section of the supply column shows the work hours for these people in fte.

In 9.5 we also introduce the ability to add vacancies into Legend. This enables you to see what impact filling vacancies would have on your resource supply. Vacancies can be entered by Team Managers or people with resource management permissions. The light grey section of the supply column shows the work hours for Vacancies or other relevant Placeholders. (Position Placeholders are not included in this column as they don’t contribute to resource supply.)

Hovering / clicking on the graph

You can hover on a section of the graph to see how many fte a particular section represents. Clicking on the columns will pop-up more detailed information on the relevant month, as the screenshot below shows.

People tab

The Organisation and other Groups have more detailed resourcing information on the People tab. On the Supply & Demand view you have the option of seeing this information by Structure or by Position.


The Structure breaks down the Supply & Demand information further by group, team and initiative, as the screenshot below shows. You have the option of selecting just teams or initiatives as well.

Click on a graph icon to the left of a heading to see a breakdown by individual resource.

Click on the bars on the graphs on the righthand side of the screen to see more detailed monthly information


The Position view breaks down the Supply & Demand information by position, as the screenshot below shows.

Other changes

Other changes we’ve made include:

  • Adding Tasks, Milestones and Dependencies tabs to Portfolios.
  • Risks improvements such as allowing organisations to configure risk status, showing the inherent risk level of individual risks and enabling them to be copied to Services and Activities.
  • Adding the advanced table function to Deliverables and Issues table tabs, meaning you can generate detailed csvs and pdfs.
  • Adding a ‘Key’ property to Deliverables
  • Making the content on Project, Programme, Activity and Service lists consistent and adding a ‘Finance Number’ column.

See here for a full list of changes and bug fixes.