By Rachel | July 21, 2022
This will be released on the evening of Sunday 24 July, pending final testing.
Improvements made
- Replaced the ‘Jump to’ and ‘Launch a new item’ icons on the Horizontal Navigation Bar with the following dropdown menus: Home, Work, People, Organisation, Admin.
- Improved the design of the headers and footers on our forms and information pop-ups.
- Status Review pie graphs on Storyboards display by number rather than budget size.
- Initiative Type graphs on Group Storyboard’s Structure tab display by number of initiatives, if there is no budget information available.
- Approved Cost, Approved Hours and Planned Hours columns added to the Tasks’ Advanced Table and some existing columns renamed to ensure consistency.
- Loading icons added to the Resourcing, Task and Finance tabs to indicate content is still being loaded.
Bugs fixed
- When you attempt to delete an item (eg a project) and it contains content which means it cannot be deleted, instead of generating a system error, a pop-up is generated. This pop-up lets you know the reasons the item cannot be deleted.
- Broadcast pop-ups now work consistently.
- Users with correct security permissions are able to access the Project Prioritisation page consistently.
- When assigning an initiative to a portfolio from an initiative, all available portfolios are now displayed.
- Draft concepts can now be deleted from the List view of the Home > My Work tab.
- Timesheet tab on the Group > People tab no longer shows closed teams.
- The correct headers show on the key displayed on the Supply & Demand tab of the Group > People tab.