Portfolio Storyboard Release (Legend 9.2)- Initial Information
As with most organisations, Covid-19 has impacted our plans for the year. Four days after releasing i-lign 9.1 (the Initiative and Group Storyboards), like most of you we were working from home under Level 4 Lockdown. During this period of remote working we decided to focus on releasing small improvements through a series of point releases, rather than increasing our Storyboard functionality, as we’d originally intended. We also rebranded the application from i-lign to Legend during the Lockdown.
Now back in the office, we’ve had a chance to refocus on our Storyboard improvements. We plan to release a Portfolio Storyboard in Legend 9.2. Our tentative release date for this is Sunday 13 September.
As always, please get in touch if you have any questions or comments.