Home Page Release Announcement (i-lign 9.0)
We’re pleased to confirm the release of i-lign 9.0. Hosted customers will be upgraded during the evening of Saturday 21 September, pending final testing.
This release makes significant changes to the look, feel and functionality of the Home Page. It signals the beginning of our work to improve i-lign’s overall navigation. Elements such as the left hand Navigation Bar and Storyboard will be extended to other parts of i-lign in future releases.
As always, please get in touch if you have any questions or comments.
Home Page Release Information (i-lign 9.0)
By now many of you will have seen our Home Page Prototype, which shows the improvements we’re working on for our next release (i-lign 9.0). These Home Page changes signal the beginning of our work to improve i-lign’s overall navigation. Future releases will see elements introduced to the Home Page in this release, such as the Side Panel Navigation and Storyboard, extended to other parts of the application.
Our release date is planned for Saturday 21 September. This date is subject to successful completion of development work and testing. As always, please get in touch if you have any questions or comments.
Planned outage (Tuesday 23/7/19 from 8pm)
Our hosting provider (Sitehost) has installed brand new servers. To take advantage of the improved capability of the new Private Cloud Servers, there will be a planned outage. This will take place on Tuesday 23 July from 8pm. During the outage you won’t be able to access i-lign. The outage is expected to last between 30 and 60 minutes. During this time, Sitehost will migrate our production servers to the new hardware.